Blaise Pascal might have been an ingenious scientist and mathematician, but he didn't think straight when he thought about God.
Look at that stache. |
I am asked all the time, "Why don't you just believe? You have nothing to lose!" Besides the hypocritical nature of claiming I believe in a supreme being when in fact I don't? That and the fact you could be wrong.The argument was apparently considered well argued, by none other than Pascal. Giving rise to the term Pascal's Wager. So how does the wager go? If one believes in God and God is real, then one gains eternal bliss in heaven. If one disbelieves in God, and God is real, then one gains eternal damnation in hell. If one believes in God and God is not real, then no harm done. If one disbelieves in God, and God is not real, then no harm done. But my question is, "What if you have the wrong God? Simply believing a supreme being exists isn't enough in any religion to gain any eternal benefits... So seriously, consider the fact you could be wrong?" I'm always countered with, "I know my God is the true God." *facepalm*
I'm asked to prove that there is no god on a fairly regular basis.Of course, I can't, but that doesn't stop the request from coming. I want theists to prove to me that there is a god and it's their god. The burden of proof always lies to those who make a positive claim. If I said that unicorns exists, and that I believe they're hidden to our eyes, would I have to prove that unicorns exist or does someone who claims they are nothing but fairy tales have to prove they don't exist? Well, I would, duh. The same thing goes for the FSM, pink elephants, Russel's teapot, and God.
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